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30 August 2022Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Boustead Plantations Berhad (BPlant) expressed our love for the nation by hosting a Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan dan Program Kibar Jalur Gemilang today.
The event, held to enliven the spirit of patriotism in commemoration of the 65th National Day celebration, was attended by all employees and staff from the headquarters and operating units throughout the country.
BPlant Chief Executive Officer Zainal Abidin Shariff in his opening speech stressed on the importance of honouring the Jalur Gemilang as it represented the country’s identity and dignity. As such, he rallied for all members of Keluarga Boustead Plantations to wave the flag proudly and respectfully as one indication of patriotism.
During the event, Zainal Abidin also presented Jalur Gemilang to members of the management – Chief Financial Officer Mohamad Mahazir Mustaffa, Head of Strategy and Corporate Development Khairudin Ibrahim and Head of Plantations Planning and Monitoring Anuar Semail.
Tanah airku terus terbilang,
Rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,
Ayuh Kibarkan Jalur Gemilang,
Semarakkan bersama Bulan Kebangsaan.
Jalur Gemilang Bendera negara,
Tanda Malaysia negara merdeka,
Sambutan kemerdekaan besar ertinya,
Jangan dinodai dosa dan noda.
Whether you are in peninsular, Sabah or Sarawak, we thank all Keluarga Boustead Plantations for your participation in the simple yet meaningful celebration!