
Sustainability  »  Sustainability Practices


The zero-burn replanting technique is now a standard practice for all oil palm replanting within Boustead Plantations. This technique involves mechanical pulverization of the entire palm biomass and spreading these evenly over the field. The root mass around the hole is also dug up. This environmentally friendly technique contributes to sustainable palm oil production by recycling nutrients in the palm biomass. It minimizes soil degradation and improves the utilization of nutrients released from the decomposing pam biomass by the newly replanted palms.

Within Boustead Plantations, the roles of cultural, physical and biological control measures are now emphasized in the pest management programs to minimize the frequency and quantity of synthetic pesticides used. IPM practices are preferred and implemented for sustainable management of oil palm pests.

The main objectives of soil and water conservation are to prevent soil degradation, environmental pollution and to improve water use efficiency and thereby obtain maximum sustained level of production from a given area of land. Best management practices adopted by Boustead Plantations to prevent soil degradation, environmental pollution and conserve water include:

  1. Conservation terraces at every 30 meters along the contour of slopes between 6° and 10°, terrace planting on all slopes above 10° to reduce the length of slope.
  2. Platform planting on slopes between 6° and 10° to minimize nutrient loss from applied fertilizers.
  3. Spreading or stacking pruned fronds in a L-shaped pattern along contours to reduce runoff.

Fertilizer management model based on Nutrient Balance Approach Our associate AAR, has developed a comprehensive agronomic management system for site-specific fertilizer recommendation system (INFERS) based on the nutrient balance approach. This system integrates a model to predict site yield potential, computes fertilizer requirements based on palm demand and site characteristics with minimum risk of soil nutrient loss for greater effectiveness and efficiency, minimizing costs, wastage and pollution.