BPlant welcomes 75 plantation workers from Indonesia
5 September 2022
Competency training develops capabilities of estate operations
8 September 2022Boustead Plantations Berhad (BPlant) continues with our yield maximisation agenda with the launching of Plantations Performance Improvement Programme 2.0 (PPIP 2.0) today.
The launching ceremony was officiated by BPlant Chief Executive Officer Zainal Abidin Shariff with the presence of BPlant employees nationwide via physical and online platform. Also attending was BPlant Head of Plantations Planning and Monitoring Anuar Semail.
PPIP 2.0 is an improvement to the main blueprint of the highly successful PPIP that was developed in January 2022.
Driven by four strategic thrusts, PPIP 2.0 will serve as a platform for the development of innovative strategies to improve business processes through business unit collaborations, creative transformation of the existing system, as well as incorporation of technology and digitalisation.
Zainal Abidin in his speech said that PPIP 2.0 would serve as a core strategy to further optimise the company’s plantation potential while addressing current challenges with advanced solutions.
In embracing tradition, Zainal Abidin shared some ‘pantun’ which carried messages of resilience and ‘never give up’ attitude:
Tentera datang tangkap penyeludup,
Bawa senjata yang tertutup,
Semangat kerja tak boleh redup,
Agar bahagia menjalani hidup.
Pohon papaya terlihat kurus,
Buahnya matang kulitnya halus,
Bekerja keras adalah harus,
Iringi dengan doa yang tulus.