Boustead Plantations catat untung RM49 juta
26 August 2021
Steering Forward: Sustainable, Tech-Based Operations the Way to Go
21 September 2021Unity among staff of Boustead Plantations Berhad is one of the crucial factors in driving the company towards the path of success.
BPB Chief Executive Officer Zainal Abidin Sharif said although the operations of the Group were divided into various smaller divisions and units, each of them worked collectively to achieve the same aim set by the company.
“We need to strengthen the unity within the company and among members of Keluarga Boustead Plantations. We must also remember that we are part of the larger Boustead Holdings Berhad’s family.
“Unity among all of us is the key to bring our Group to greater heights. Take our country as example. Though Malaysia is divided into different states and ethnicities, the unity among its citizens allows for our nation to prosper,” he said.
“In BPB, though we are further organised into eight Business Units, we still move under the flag of our Group. Nothing should make us feel different from the others,” he said while addressing participants at the BPB’s virtual Bulan Kebangsaan 2021 celebration held in conjunction of Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia 2021.
the celebration was aimed to ignite the spirit of patriotism and express the love for the nation among members of Keluarga Boustead Plantations Berhad.
Hundreds of BPB staff from all business units, estates and mills nationwide participated in the celebration from their respective locations via online.