Independent Non-Executive Chairman

Age : 63
Gender : Male
Nationality : Malaysian
Date of Appointment : 1 Sept 2020
Length of Service : 2 years
Date of last Re-election : 17 June 2021

Number of Board Meetings Attended: 13/13

Committee Memberships:

  • Chairman of Nominating and Remuneration Committee

Working experience

  • 1999 to present – State Legislative Assembly Member, Negeri Sembilan
  • 2004 to 2018 – State Executive Council Member, Negeri Sembilan
  • 1985 to 2004 – Advocate and Solicitor, Messrs. Halim & Ismail


  • LLB (Hons), Universiti Malaya

Details of any interest in the securities of Boustead Plantations Berhad

  • Nil

Directorship in other public listed companies

  • Nil

Directorship in public companies

  • Nil

Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the Company

  • No

Conflict of interests with the Company

  • No

Other than traffic offences, any convictions for offences within the past 5 years and other particulars of any public sanction or penalty imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year

  • Nil