Welcome to Keluarga Boustead Plantations Berhad!
5 January 2022
Riparian Buffer Zone secures our treasure trove of biodiversity
7 January 2022
Last year, we have kick-started our Boustead Green Army (BGA) programme – an initiative to provide employment opportunity to Malaysian Armed Forces retirees in our plantation.
Today, a discussion involving various stakeholders was held to provide updates on BGA’s progress as well as its plan for the future.
Boustead Holdings Berhad Group Managing Director Dato’ Sri Mohammed Shazalli Ramly was among those present in the meeting, along with BPB Chief Executive Officer Zainal Abidin Shariff and BGA’s team members who provided the latest insight from the programme.
BGA is a special collaboration between BPB, Yayasan LTAT and Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran.
In advancing our people’s empowerment agenda, we constantly strategise to improve and expand our ways to serve better through BGA.