
Sustainability  »  Sustainability Practices


We strictly adhere to the zero-burning policy to conserve and protect the environment. We track and report hotspot occurring within our area of operations.

Summary of Hotspot Dashboard for the Year
  No. of Hotspot Detected
  No. of Confirmed Fire
  No. of Non-Fire
  No. of Confirmed Fire within Concession Area
  No. of Confirmed Fire Outside Concession Area
Business Unit          
Sungai Jernih 0 0 0 0 0
Trong 2 2 0 0 2
Telok Sengat 0 0 0 0 0
Kanowit-Tinjar 2 2 0 0 2
Nak 0 0 0 0 0
Tawai 0 0 0 0 0
Rimba Nilai 0 0 0 0 0
Segamaha-Segaria 1 1 0 0 1
Total 5 5 0 0 5

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Operating out of one of the most biodiverse locations in the world, we are cognisant of our role in preserving the environment. To this end, the Group is committed to protecting HCV sites within our estates.

Managing these HCV sites entails active stakeholder engagement efforts be it with the surrounding communities, non-governmental associations or government entities. During the year, we undertook engagement sessions with the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia (PERHILITAN) and Forestry Department.

Our HCV assessment process is benchmarked against RSPO and MSPO standards. At the same time, we also engage external experts who advise us on specific areas of HCV conservation.

As part of our biodiversity conservation efforts, we protect the flora and fauna that call our HCV sites home by eliminating the threat of illegal activity. To this end, we place signages to indicate the conservation status of the area in question. In addition, we closely guard the HCV sites and restrict entry. During the year, we also rehabilitated riparian zones located within our estates. A plethora of wildlife and rare ecosystems along with culturally important landmarks can be found within our HCV sites.

As a responsible corporate entity, we understand the pressing need to address climate change and its potential impacts on our business operations and stakeholders. Climate risk poses significant challenges to the global economy, and as a company that values sustainability, we are dedicated to aligning our strategies with climate-related considerations.

The Group will continue to monitor our emissions and energy consumption linked to palm oil production as we work to minimise our emissions. As part of our efforts to provide greater transparency pertaining to our carbon footprint, we implemented a more complete GHG inventory by tracking and monitoring additional emission sources. We have been utilising RSPO PalmGHG version 4.0.1 and has embarked into GHG protocol as accepted standard for GHG emission. This will aid us in completing our baseline studies as well as identification and estimation of the potential sources of emission and sinks of carbon from our operations, including mitigation plan in minimising net GHG emissions.

Below are GHG emissions based on GHG protocol for scope 1, 2 and 3 for the year 2020 to 2022:

Performance Indicator Unit 2022 2021 2020
GHG emission (scope 1) tCO2e 2,249,271

286,972 *

GHG emission (scope 2) tCO2e 1,829,312 N/A N/A
GHG emission (scope 3) tCO2e N/A N/A N/A

The data has not undergone an audit.


N/A – Not available

( * ) There was insufficient data on the emission generated from electricity generation for GHG emission (Scope 1) for the years 2021 and 2020.

GHG emission (Scope 2) indirect emission from generation of purchase energy (eg: Tenaga Nasional Berhad & Sarawak Energy Berhad) for electricity purchase at operation only. Electricity purchases by Head Office will be included for reporting in FY2023.

GHG emission (Scope 3) includes all indirect emissions that occur in the value chain. BPlant is currently in the process of collecting data especially on Category 6: Business Travel and Category 7: Employee Commuting for the year 2023 and intend to incorporate this information into our forthcoming  2023 report.

Waste and Effluent

The proper handling of effluents and waste is crucial for strong environmental stewardship. Without a solid waste and effluent management plan in place, we run the risk of damaging the ecosystem and severely harming those that depend on nature for survival.

Additionally, by reducing wastage, limiting the consumption of natural resources and repurposing our waste, we look to minimise our impact on the environment.

Our plantation produces various biomass by-products including fronds, empty fruit bunches (EFB), fibres, shells and POME. These waste products are repurposed in line with the Group’s Zero Waste Strategy.

Solid biomass consisting of mesocarp fibres, palm kernel shells and shredded EFB were transformed into fuel that is then utilised by our biomass boilers. Steam and electricity generated by our boilers are more than adequate to fulfil the energy requirements of our mills.

EFB was repurposed into mulching or organic fertiliser, allowing us to lessen our reliance on synthetic fertilisers while contributing to cost savings.

We are also able to improve soil fertility, lessen nutrient loss and stop fertiliser outflow by stacking palm fronds between rows of palm trees. In adherence with the Department of Environment’s requirements pertaining to dust particulate emissions, our Segamaha Palm Oil Mill in Sabah has been equipped with a Wet Scrubber system.

Zero Waste Strategy

Below are the total amount of waste generated and its sources for the year 2020 to 2022:










Scheduled Waste





Non-recycled Waste Generation

Solid from dewatering system


2,301 3,347 N/A

Boiler Ash


5,724 7,772 N/A

Domestic Waste







Particulate Matter

Boiler Stack




NOx, SOx

Combustion from Diesel Genset






Water treatment and Government Water Supply





Electricity **

TNB and diesel genset






The data has not undergone an audit.


N/A – Not available
** Data only cover for operation only

Further verification needed for data on fuel consumption and readiness data calculation for combustion

Chemical Management

We prohibit the use of Class 1A and 1B chemicals registered under World Health Organisation (WHO) and Stockholm or Rotterdam Conventions in our operations and those of our suppliers, except for specific circumstances.

The use of paraquat is strictly prohibited at our operations and suppliers unless approved by local authorities for exceptional conditions.

In our commitment to sustainable water management, we adopt several practices to minimise water consumption:

  1. We utilise run-off water for mixing chemical activity from the chemical trap at premix area.
  2. We have implemented rainwater harvesting systems at workers' housing, workshops, and estates for non-essential activities e.g., cleaning activities.
  3. We conduct monitoring of water leakage at our workers' housing, office, and field operation sites.

We take pride in maintaining an impeccable record, with no incidents of water quality non-compliance as of today. Our dedicated efforts towards responsible water management and stringent adherence to regulatory standards have ensured that our operations consistently meet the required water quality benchmarks.

We remain committed to upholding these high standards, continuously monitoring our operation impact on water quality by conducting water sampling at inlet and outlet rivers in our operations and thus implementing proactive measures to safeguard the environment and the communities we serve. Our commitment to environmental stewardship drives us to sustain this clean record and further contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future.

The majority of our operations utilise municipal water, while some others rely on water treatment plants. For operations utilising water treatment plants, we adhere strictly to standard operating procedures and guidelines, and we continuously monitor the water quality to ensure compliance with drinking water standards set by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

In the event of an incident where the water quality at the water treatment plant exceeds the standard parameters, we take immediate and serious action to address the issue. This includes conducting re-tests and requiring the supplier to advise the operating unit on the new parameters necessary to ensure the safety of our operational community. The well-being and safety of our community remain our top priority, and we are committed to providing a safe environment for consumption.

Below are the total water withdrawal and discharge for the year 2020 to 2022:


Water Withdrawal

2022 (m3)

2021 (m3)

2020 (m3)

Area with water stress (m3)

Water withdrawal by source

Water Treatment





Government Water Supply





Total Water Withdrawal





Water discharge by freshwater and other water

Freshwater (≤1,000mg/L Total Dissolved Solids)




Water discharge by level of treatment

Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)





The data has not undergone an audit.

Data only cover for operation only

Over the past decade, we have diligently monitored the rainfall patterns in our region, encompassing Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak. The annual rainfall ranges between 1,500mm to 3,000mm, with an average of 150 rainy days. As a result of these monitoring, we can confidently assert that none of our operational areas are experiencing water stress.